To SJ City Council: We need an unconditional moratorium on evictions.


The Law Foundation of Silicon Valley writes in strong support of Mayor Liccardo’s efforts to enact a moratorium on evictions during the COVID-19 emergency. We are in unprecedented times and applaud the quick and decisive action taken by the Mayor and the City to protect its residents during this public health crisis. Additionally, we urge the Mayor and City Council to expand this eviction moratorium and enact an unconditional moratorium on non-payment of rent evictions until the emergency has passed.

At a minimum, the moratorium must include protections for tenants who do not learn of these emergency measures before their rent is due. These protections should include a requirement that landlords notify tenants of their rights during the emergency and a “right to cure” for tenants allowing them to notify their landlord of COVID-19-related financial

Read our letter to San Jose City Council.