On the Table: A Community Conversation


As a resident of our community, your voice and insight is fundamental to shaping the solutions to our region's housing crisis. That's why we were so excited to join On the Table this past Wednesday and host two events throughout the day as part of  a region-wide day of community building through conversations led by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. On the Table brought together thousands of local people to eat and talk about our region's housing challenges --- and what we can do to solve them.

Wednesday morning, we held a private event at Sidley Austin LLP that was attended by our pro bono housing clinic volunteers. We discussed housing policies and watched a brief video clip highlighting the human side of the housing crisis. It was an uplifting morning and we came away with more thoughts on how we can help tackle our housing crisis through pro bono contributions. The team suggested ideas like keeping local government accountable when a major development may displace members of our community and calling on more affordable housing opportunities.


Our evening public event, co-hosted by the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Residents' Association, was a big success! We had a large group made up of members of the Residents' Association, Law Foundation staff, and other locals who shared what it was like to fight to save their homes and how the Buena Vista story is an inspiration to others who are also trying to stay in our community. Thank you to Katherine Harasz, from the Santa Clara County Housing Authority, for being part of this event and for her important work in our region. We appreciate everyone who attended and shared their stories.

Thanks to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation for sponsoring this important event across the Bay Area.

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