Congratulations are in order for our own Mariel Block who was selected as the Santa Clara County Bar Association's Barrister of the Year for her contributions to the legal profession in both a professional capacity and in pro bono and community activities.
In many parts of Santa Clara County, landlords can legally evict tenants for almost any reason as long as it is not discriminatory; providing legal help in eviction cases is a critical service to our community. Through Mariel's leadership, the Law Foundation's Pro Bono Housing Justice Program, which serves low-income families facing homelessness due to an eviction, has grown extensively--- meaning more families have been able to stay in their homes or have been given adequate time to move with dignity.
Every Friday, Mariel manages the Law Foundation's eviction clinic and trains pro bono attorneys and volunteers who take on eviction cases for on-going representation. In 2015, the clinic provided representation to 373 tenants and their families, a significant increase over previous years. Your ongoing support enables us to have incredible advocates like Mariel on our team. We're proud that her accomplishments were formally recognized by the Santa Clara County Bar Association. Way to go, Mariel!