Thank you to everyone who joined our celebration of the beginning of the 30th year of the Ryan White CARE Act. Special thank you to Ryan White's mother, Jeanne White-Ginder, for discussing her experience at the very beginning of the HIV epidemic, and her and Ryan's roles in the passage of the Ryan White CARE Act.

The Ryan White CARE Act, enacted in 1990, is the most comprehensive HIV/AIDS-related legislation ever passed in the United States. It provides for medical care and support services to persons living with HIV or AIDS, as well as HIV testing, outreach and education. More than half a million people have benefited from services provided through the Ryan White CARE Act since its signing. This event will highlight and celebrate the successes of the Ryan White Program in Santa Clara County.
The Law Foundation has been the County’s provider of free legal services to people living with HIV or AIDS for 30 years – a support service under the Ryan White CARE Act. Thank you to The HealthTrust for sponsoring this event!