Law Foundation's Statement on Presidential Election


Alison Brunner, CEO of the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley, issued the following statement in response to the United States presidential election:

"Like many Americans, when I cast my ballot, I felt an overwhelming sense of uncertainty. Not about how I understood our community’s values of equity, inclusion, and opportunity for all, but more about the fragility of our democracy at this moment in history.

Millions of Americans voted for the ideals of the country and community in which they want to live. A community that values every person’s contribution. A community that embodies love and acceptance. A community that supports one another when times are tough.

We condemn the hatred, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination against people with disabilities that has permeated our country, especially during the last four years through the Trump Administration. We urgently join our community partners and fellow community members demanding that all votes be counted.

As we face the adversity of an uncertain future, our obligation is to focus on what we know is right for our community. We know that democracy is critical. And it must be protected."

November 4, 2020 - Public Charge Update


Despite ongoing litigation challenging the legality of the new public charge regulation, implemented by the Department of Homeland Security, the new public charge regulation went into effect on February 24, 2020.

While the regulation only impacts a very small group of immigrants, it has had a devastating effect on immigrant communities nationwide. Many immigrants, most of whom are not subject to the regulation, have foregone access to crucial welfare benefits for themselves and their family members.

Immigrants have abstained from applying, or have terminated, their federally funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Plan, Cal Fresh, and Medicaid/Medi-Cal benefits, largely out of fear. This is especially alarming, given the current nationwide Covid-19 pandemic. Although the government has stated that all persons, regardless of immigration status, can seek testing, treatment, and prevention of COVID-19 without fearing immigration consequences due to public charge, many immigrants are still afraid of utilizing public health services.

As litigation continues, the Northern District of Illinois issued a decision on November 2, 2020 rejecting the new Public Charge regulation, finding that the regulation was illegal. That meant that, as of November 2, 2020, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) could not apply the new regulation anywhere in the United States.

However, this victory was brief. On November 4, 2020, on appeal, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals stayed the decision of the Northern District of Illinois, while the litigation proceeded on its merits. This means that, once again, the Department of Homeland Security’s public charge rule can be implemented while litigation continues.

Because the status of the rule is in constant flux and because many immigrant communities are unaware of whether the rule impacts them, or to what extent it impacts them, we encourage any concerned persons to contact the Law Foundation to discuss any questions or concerns about the rule and its implications.

Questions and concerns may be directed to the Law Foundation’s Health program at (408) 280-2420.

Related: Immigrant Legal Resource Center - Public Charge

Conozca sus Derechos de Vivienda - Oct. 28


Acompañen al asambleísta Kalra y Law Foundation of Silicon Valley en este Zoominar especial sobre cómo AB 3088 lo protege a usted y a su familia de los desalojos durante estos tiempos difíciles.

Miércoles, 28 de octubre

5:00pm a 7:30pm

Enlace de Zoom

ID de reunión: 981 9416 1961

Contraseña: 762130

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Christina Johnson mediante