Law Foundation of Silicon Valley Applauds Court's Decision to Uphold Flores Settlement Agreement

(SAN JOSE, Calif.) – The Law Foundation of Silicon Valley today issued the following statement from CEO Alison Brunner applauding the decision by U.S. District Court Judge Dolly Gee to uphold the Flores Settlement Agreement and protect the rights of immigrant children and their families.

“As co-counsel in the Flores litigation, the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley applauds the decision by Judge Gee to uphold the settlement agreement and deny the Trump administration’s request to detain children and families in unlicensed facilities for the duration of their immigration proceedings, which in most cases will be years.

“Our work with immigrant children gives us an important perspective into the current family separation crisis at the border, and we share the outrage of many in our community about immigration policies that separate children from their families or place them in detention facilities.

 “As outlined in the Flores Settlement Agreement children should be treated with ‘dignity, respect and special concern for their particular vulnerability as minors.’

 “The Law Foundation of Silicon Valley will continue to fight for the release of immigrant children and families into the community where they can seek protection of their rights.”

Law Foundation Responds to Family Detention

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Law Foundation Co-Counsel in Flores Class Action Litigation

On Friday evening, the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley and co-counsel asked the federal court to uphold the terms of the 20 year-old Flores class action settlement and deny the Administration’s request to detain families in unlicensed facilities for the duration of their immigration proceedings, which in most cases will be years. The ACLU and the cities of New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco all filed amicus briefs in support of our efforts.

As co-counsel in the Flores litigation, the Law Foundation is a leading legal voice for the rights of immigrant families and children. Our work with immigrant children, gives us an important perspective into the current family separation crisis at our border. We share the outrage of many in our community about current immigration policies that separate children from their families or place them in detention facilities and we are currently fighting this injustice through litigation.

As outlined in the Flores settlement agreement, children should be treated with “dignity, respect and special concern for their particular vulnerability as minors.” As legal advocates for children for over 30 years, we recognize the detrimental impact on children of being separated from their families, especially in the context of an already traumatic situation such as transnational migration. Imprisoning children in unlicensed family detention for an indefinite period of time is not the answer and it is in violation of the law. The Law Foundation is fighting for the release of immigrant children and families into the community where they can seek protection of their rights.

A team of our attorneys, paralegals, and social workers will be traveling to speak with children who are being held in detention facilities in upcoming weeks to ensure that their voices are heard and their rights are protected. We will also continue to provide free and confidential legal and social work services to immigrant youth in Santa Clara County, including children who have been forcibly separated and are in dire need of services and mental health support until they can safely reunify with family. We will keep you updated on this important work.

The Law Foundation of Silicon Valley advances the rights of underrepresented families and children, specifically in the areas of children’s rights, housing advocacy, and access to mental health services. To support the work of the Law Foundation, click here.

Thank you for standing with us in justice for all.

Thank You!

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Everyone should be part of the Silicon Valley success story --- and you're making that happen. Thank you for another amazing Celebration of Justice! You're changing lives and ensuring a stronger, more inclusive future for our entire community.

What you do matters. Last night, we began the evening with a short 2-minute video to show just how each individual action can truly make a difference. Missed it? It's worth a quick watch.
Thank you for answering the call and giving generously at our Celebration of Justice. If you didn't get the chance to make a gift last night, it's not too late! You can still make a tax-deductible contribution in support of access to justice. 

Thanks again for making our night and, most of all, for your inspiring generosity! 

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